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Like father like son?

Updated April 5, at the bottom…

Well I’ve gone and done it apparently.  I’ve brainwashed converted my young children to see infernal combustion vehicles as the dinosaurs that they are and electric vehicles (EVs) as the future!

I had been suspecting this for some time, but it became quite evident a few days ago…

As a practicing engineer in British Columbia, I am part of the provincial self-governing professional body, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC (APEGBC).  Each year as part of National Engineering Month, APEGBC hosts a number of events to introduce the public to the work that engineers/geoscientists do to enhance our lives in all sorts of ways.

I very fondly remember making popsicle-stick bridges in a team of my school mates and competing against other teams to see which bridge would hold the most weight.  These events and others drew me to engineering, a field that I am very happy to have completed my schooling in and work in each day.

One of those events is a colouring contest, which is right up the alley of my 6 and 4 year olds!  I passed along the competition information to my wife, and came home that evening to find a completed illustration from each of them:

I think my hobby might be wearing off on them...

I think my hobby might be wearing off on them…

I’m fairly certain that they will not ever have to drive an ICE in their life, and I think they will grow up expecting society to move to EVs, in all realms (e.g. school bus, city bus, trucks, trains).

(Though we actively encourage biking and have hinted that they should put off owning a car as long as possible.)


Linden won his age group!  (4-5 yr olds)  He was very proud to find out today.  His older brother won a colouring contest for Marley’s forestry association (ABCFP) a few years ago, so he was happy to have continued the tradition (haha!)  Anyways, he won a $50 gift card to Chapters – Cedric chose a cabin/mountain Lego kit, so I asked Marley what Linden wanted:  apparently he wanted to buy a Tesla.  Being 4, he doesn’t quite understand the money involved, but I mentioned to Marley that he could get a Tesla Hotwheels; but alas, Chapters does not have it, only Amazon.

kootenay andrew
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