I decided to collate all of the posts related to cost information onto one Page to save you from having to rummage through other posts or the ‘category’ menu. So without further ado, here are all of the posts on the blog so far related to cost information for our Nissan Leaf EV:
Lucky 27,777km and February 2015 Cumulative Cost Update
Cost update 63,500 km, Dec 2015
Cost update 77,777 km and 2 years
Cost update 96,000 km and 2.5 years
Cost update; 3 years and 117,000 km
Cost update; 3.5 years and 135,888 km
Cost update; 4 years and 153,000 km
Cost update; 4.5 years and 172,000 km
Also, see the generic cost/payback matrices below to get a sense of whether an EV makes economic sense for you!