The weather has been cold and clear in Nelson for the last week now. From our home, we get a tantalizing view of the mountain peaks covered in snow, and we woke up this morning wanting to get a better view. We had not been all the way up to Kokanee Glacier Park before, so we looked it up on the provincial parks website.

Click to enlarge – ok maybe the peaks are just barely peaking up above the ridge!
“Hmm, 20 km out to Kokanee Creek park, then 16 km of dirt road up the Kokanee Creek valley from Kootenay Lake, and the parking lot is at 1,570 m!” It was -3 C at our house, so it would only get colder going up. Driving slow up a bumpy dirt road with the heat on, and gaining just over 1,000m was going to do a number on the battery.Read More »Driving up to winter at Kokanee Glacier Park